

Curated to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to the South of the African continent.

“You have to taste a culture to understand it” – Deborah Cater.

When we share a meal with others, we create a space for conversation, laughter, and connection. When that meal is rooted with the rich flavors and cultural traditions of Africa, it becomes a powerful tool for building bridges between people from all walks of life.

Our fondest memories of growing up in Tsolo is the food, it is the glue of the community. In the village, once people see smoke coming from the kraal it is deemed an invitation to come feast. Taste is a currency for intimate connection and helps us to celebrate and appreciate the significance of our diverse culture.

We capture life’s most significant moments.


Join us at The Taste Hub, Monday to Sunday, from 9am till 9pm.


We curate meals based on the pallet of the consumers. This is how we capture the dinner table meals. With these meals, we aim to create a communal participatory experience.


The men of the village will hang out in the kraal while the younger generations serve them meats they have deemed special. Special because there seldom is enough for everyone so they are served based on the hierarchy.

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